Power outage, nightmare of hootsuite users in Haiti

Indeed, Hootsuite considers a complex sets of factors in order to determine the perfect timing to publish a scheduled content.

However, the developers of the platform did not take into considerations some of its drawbacks. One of which is Haiti’s erratic gas shortage that indirectly impacts the programmed messages to targeted audience.

The scarcity of fuel causes the rationing of power energy (most of the electricity produced in Haiti comes from thermal power plant running on oil or diesel), which domino effect impacts on the availability of the Internet users. Therefore, “Hootsuite” may think that it will reach out to the right users, whom by the way are not available without electricity, when in fact it’s not!

How could we get around this problem? Any solutions?

Moise Alex Docteur, Hootsuite Certified Professional

Moise Alex Docteur, a été désigné Secrétaire Responsable des Relations Publiques et Partenariat de l'Observatoire du Numérique en Haïti (ObNH). Cofondateur de l'Observatoire, M. Docteur pilote la stratégie de communication de l’(ObNH) ainsi que le développement des partenariats actuels et futurs. M. Docteur détient une maîtrise en informatique de la prestigieuse université Supinfo International à Strasbourg , et un Master d'Arts, lettres, langues mention Traduction et interprétation de l’Université de Strasbourg, France.